OG Kush Seeds

og kush seeds : een gids voor het kweken van je eigen cannabis:

als je een cannabisliefhebber bent of iemand die geïnteresseerd is om zelf planten te kweken, dan zijn og kush-zaden zeker het overwegen waard.
og kush is een populaire en bekende cannabissoort die een reputatie heeft opgebouwd voor zijn unieke smaak, krachtige effecten en relatief eenvoudige kweekproces.
of je nu een ervaren kweker bent of een complete beginner, dit is een soort die door iedereen kan worden genoten.

og kush is een indica-dominante hybride die zijn oorsprong vindt in californië.
het staat bekend om zijn sterke aardse en dennenachtige aroma, met hints van citrus en kruiden.
bij consumptie biedt het een diepe ontspanning en euforie die kan helpen bij het verlichten van stress, angst, pijn en zelfs slapeloosheid.
naast de recreatieve voordelen heeft og kush ook medicinale eigenschappen die het populair maken bij medicinale marihuanapatiënten.

om og kush te kweken, is het belangrijk om te beginnen met hoogwaardige zaden.
bij het kiezen van zaden moet je zoeken naar betrouwbare verkopers die je genetisch stabiele en betrouwbare zaden kunnen leveren.
dit zorgt voor een grotere kans op succesvolle ontkieming en een gezonde plant.

als je eenmaal je og kush-zaden hebt, is het tijd om je kweekomgeving voor te bereiden.
of je nu binnen of buiten kweekt, zijn er een paar belangrijke factoren om rekening mee te houden.
zorg ervoor dat je planten voldoende licht krijgen, aangezien cannabis minimaal 12 uur licht per dag nodig heeft.
het is ook belangrijk om de temperatuur- en vochtigheidsniveaus te regelen om de ideale groeiomstandigheden voor je planten te creëren.

og kush-zaden kiemen kan door ze in een vochtige papieren handdoek te plaatsen totdat ze ontkiemen, of door gebruik te maken van gespecialiseerde kiemkits.
zodra de zaailingen zijn ontwikkeld, kunnen ze worden overgeplant in geschikte containers of rechtstreeks in je tuin als je buiten kweekt.

naarmate je planten groeien, is het cruciaal om hun voedingsinname te controleren en ze dienovereenkomstig water te geven.
og kush-planten hebben doorgaans regelmatige voeding nodig met een uitgebalanceerde mix van micro- en macrovoedingsstoffen.
overvoeding of ondervoeding kan leiden tot voedingstekorten of toxiciteit, dus het is belangrijk om een voedingsschema te volgen en aan te passen indien nodig.

gedurende het hele groeiproces is het essentieel om uit te kijken naar plagen en ziekten die je planten kunnen beïnvloeden.
veelvoorkomende cannabisplagen zijn onder andere spintmijten, bladluizen en varenrouwmuggen.
regelmatige inspectie en het gebruik van biologische methoden voor plaagbestrijding zullen helpen om je planten te beschermen.

na enkele maanden zorgvuldige teelt zullen je og kush-planten klaar zijn voor de oogst.
de toppen moeten compact zijn, bedekt met hars en een krachtig aroma afgeven.
het correct drogen en uitharden van de toppen zal hun smaak en potentie verbeteren, wat zorgt voor een bevredigende rook- of vapervaring.
het kweken van je eigen cannabis kan een lonende en vervullende ervaring zijn, vooral bij het kweken van een gerenommeerde soort als og kush.
met de juiste zorg en aandacht kun je genieten van de voordelen van een persoonlijke voorraad hoogwaardige cannabis.
vergeet niet altijd te voldoen aan de wetten en voorschriften in jouw omgeving met betrekking tot de teelt en het gebruik van cannabis.
veel kweekplezier!

How To Increase Your Social Circle On Periscope

Are you looking forward to increase the number of people your social circle? If the answer is yes, then it is very important that you get have as many followers as possible. The less number of followers that you have will only imply that your social circle will not also increase and the vice versa is true for high numbers of followers. With that insight, it is only fitting that one ensures that more and more periscope users get to follow their broadcasts in a bid to boost their chances of having a much livelier social circle.

So how exactly can you add on to your periscope followers? Well, first of all, ensure that you have a public broadcast, one that is viewable by all people. This doesn’t limit anybody else from following you. Also, identify content that will interest your social circle. By sharing what they find amusing, you find that more and more people will be attracted and they will tend to follow you as well. Comments will be in plenty as the viewership goes high. This plays a very significant role. Furthermore, it is important that you get to follow other users as well and even check out their broadcasts in the process. This way, it gets mutual and that’s how you build your social circle.

How To Build A Following On Periscope

Building a following on periscope has not always been the best of responsibilities that many periscope users would want to have. But at some point in their experience on this social media platform, one is obliged to build a following in one way or another that will ensure that his or her broadcasts receive an active audience to view. So how exactly can you increase the number of periscope followers effectively?
Well, the first step is to always ensure that you are having a public broadcast such that each and every person is going to view each and every broadcast that you get to make. This increases the chances of you getting more followers unlike when you would have had a private account. Having done that, ensure that your get to share interesting content on your account, people will always be attracted to broadcasts that are amusing and worth sharing to other people therefore boosting the chances of you adding on to your followers. Then most importantly, engage your audience more often to ensure that you keep in touch and this will make them feel important and as result, more people will tend to follow you.

Is Snapchat Suitable And Appropriate For Your Business?

It matters to note that it is approximated that seventy-seven percent of university students use this social platform on a daily basis. In addition to this, more than half of these students have shared that they prefer to interact with their most preferred and the newest brands on Snapchat for some discounts, promotions as well as news. Evidently, these users are young and a lot of them have expendable source of income.

If your firm caters to youngsters of this era, then, this social platform might serve as the next big and famous social network which your brand should consider to invest in.  In actuality, the real secret here is to get in earlier since it is quite evident that brands become rapidly famous and able to reach countless of consumers on new social networks.

While it is true that as a user in Snapchat you cannot share the content with other users this makes it a lot tougher to go viral. It is worthy of note that this definitely poses distinctive challenge in obtaining an audience but also distinctive opportunities.

The good thing here is that it is not necessary to be active or post on Snapchat followers in order to generate a following. In this social platform, you only appear when you post.














What Are The Excellent Practices For Snapchat Brand Communication?

These days through Snapchat which is an application that is primarily utilized to transmit instant photos among your friends, it becomes a lot easier to reach out to your target audience. How can these be done?

Here are the outstanding practices for easily and effectively communicating your brand:

First, you can create your Personal account in Snapchat. Second, it is a smart approach to build up your account in Snapchat on other social networks such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Third, consider rewarding your followers using a use case such as new team member introduction, coupon, behind the scenes, targeted videos, contest as well as product sneak peak which are relevant to the brand you are promoting.

Fourth, take in mind that the “My Story” feature is great at reaching all Snapchat followers right away, or transmit more targeted content directly to followers through picking them from your Snapchat followers contacts. And, the final one is to make sure to be able to deliver significant visual content by means of a platform that can considerably aid maintain the engagement.

Please be guided that in Snapchat, the videos and the images are merely viewable for ten seconds and then these will be then deleted.

Make It a Habit

In our contemporary times, information is quick and data can be delivered in an instant and there are several ways we can send and communicate with others: either calling them on the phone or texting, sending emails and chat, and apps like Snapchat can convey your messages to others. You have to make it a habit to be responsible of what we say online especially with our videos and chat messages. And our followers can be younger than the legal age and may cause them to misbehave because of what we say because they tend to imitate us. You can’t just post all the things you wanted to post on the internet especially with Snapchat.

Make it a habit to review everything we post and not just clicking the next button to post it right away.  Snapchat Followers may come and go but the influence we have with them determines also on how they will see life.  The millennials are different from the previous generations and are more sensitive to issues that concerns them. So, before clicking the next button, make it a habit to be a responsible netizen and think about what others could feel. We can enjoy using it with responsible usage.

How to get more free followers on instagram through interactivity

Most people think that instagram is all about glam and who posts the highest number of colorful photos. However, for someone who has tried and failed terribly, I can assure you that attracting more free likes and free followers on instagram requires more than a glamorous picture of your pet or yourself. Being interactive with other instagram users for instance can help you get more followers than just by posting plain photos.

In fact, people visit social media to interact with others. And liking other people’s posts and appreciating their photos is what makes instagram thrive. In most cases, the more you interact with other people on instagram is the more likely they will be interested in liking or following you on the social media platform. Think about it from a logical perspective. How many times have you followed someone because they liked or made a positive comment on one of your posts? The same logic you used is what drives people to follow you. And the more you stay active and interactive on instagram, the more free followers you are likely to attract on instagram. Note however that you have to post quality photos all the time if you are to make people feel interested in following you.

How To Get Flipagram Followers In An Easy Way

Could you have been wondering which could be the most effective and at the same time very easy way in which you could get very many flipagram followers? Well, if the answer is yes, perhaps you need not wonder anymore. As it is well known to you all, getting very many followers on flipagram is indeed an uphill task and in most cases, it has left very many flipagram users very frustrated and rejected. With that said, it ought not to be the case at all. In fact, there could be a very easier way for a person to get more followers. Simple…all you need is to purchase your followers for your flipagram account.

In as much as not many people are well aware of this new tactic, it has proved to be effective in the recent past. It is so simple and without any hustle whatsoever, you can dramatically enhance the visual appeal of your flipagram account and this will be the defining moment for your flipagram experience. By virtue of having very many followers, you get to increase the traffic that is viewing your flipagrams and as a result, you increase your chances of getting many reflips and likes for your short video stories. You simply can’t get any better than that!

How to engage your Flipagram Followers Successfully as a Brand

Flipagram has been around since 2013, but it only came to be a sensation a few months ago. Today, major celebrities and models like Jessica Alba command huge followings on the network, while businesses and brands are increasingly seeing the need to be on the network. However, the fact that Flipagram doesn’t offer anything new per say still confuses people on what they should be posting.But in real, sense you could engage your flipagram followers successfully in any of the following ways.

Promoting a Good Cause

For brands that heavily rely on social media for PR, flipagram could be your best tool. Here, you can prepare some good materials to entertain, inspire and invoke a reaction from your fans. You could for instance prepare images that related to breast cancer, use some great music to accompany your slideshow and later ask people to get tested if they have the disease. And fortunately, almost every business can be involved in promotinga good cause in the society. Again, you could be involved in promoting social causes from time to time. And when done properly, you could attract a lot of engagement from your Flipagram followers and from other social media users where you posted your videos.

New Product Videos

Flipagram allows you to post as many images as possible. But what is even more interesting is the fact that you can arrange them in an orderly manner. This in turn means you use the platform to introduce new products with the exact images and with the type of music that will invoke desire from your customers. After all using a slideshow to showcase your latest product also takes less time and money. In addition, a slideshow with proper audio recording allows you to give your flipagram followers a reason to love and buy your new product.

Human Interest Pictures

Want to show your Flipagram following that you care about them? Use pictures and videos that depict the human side of your brand. Prepare a slideshow about all the times your brand inspired the less fortunate for instance. On the other hand, make a slideshow about your employees’ behind the scenes activities. But to make the slideshow better, include a hit song to go along with the pictures. In the end, you will probably receive record-breaking views from your customers who have never seen that side of your business. In any cases, Flipagram is mainly about the fun. And if you can learn to combine some fun with messages that will promote your business; you could end up being famous and having a great reputation.

Be Present on the Network Often

With so many brands competing for the same attention from the public, you will need to be present on Flipagram more often to be successful. This is because your followers need someone to answer their questions regularly, so that they can feel confident and satisfied in the products and services you sell.












Managing Settings on Your Snapchat Account

A good number of businesses as well as companies today are using Snapchat to send stories, with the aim of attracting more Snapchat followers; hence market their products and services more effectively. In this regard, you need to manage the Snapchat settings in such a way that the account is visible by more users on this social media platform. For instance, you need to set the ‘view my story’ option to ‘Everyone. This allows your snap stories to e visible by virtually anyone using the application. This is very convenient, bearing in mind that you are trying to attract more followers to your snapchat business account.

Additionally, the setting tab on the Snapchat application allows you to enable the ‘send me snaps’ option. This option allows your Snapchat followers to send their own snaps to you after they have received your snaps. This is a great way of engaging with your followers that you need to consider while adjusting your settings. Additionally, the ‘send me snaps’ is very ideal for companies and businesses that would like to run contests from time to time on the Snapchat platform.


In a global platform that is widely known, new users tend to sign in each and every day. Twitter, a fast-growing site is used both for personal use and businesses. It is a microblog hat enables one to express ideas within limited characters. How active you are around here is determined by your ability to tweet and the number of followers you have accumulated.  It is a safe place as you can protect your updates and approve their view to your followers only.

Twitter is an essential platform where people meet online. A tweet having automatic twitter likes appearing on the news feed might bring together people of similar interests thus following each other.  Creating a bio that sums up all about you in a unique way that stands out is another way of attracting followers.  Your twitter setting is very important and information entered here very crucial. Tweeting on a consistent basis allows you to engage with more people every day.

Twitter can be used for your personal growth and status. Using automatic twitter likes won’t do any harm in such developments. Keeping your posts, links or photos uploaded on twitter interesting can enhance your experience socially and improve your social status.